Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies for Women ~ Harpenden and St. Albans


Tel: 01582 623985       Email:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Reiki Shares & Courses.
Just a reminder of the date of the next reiki shares which will cover the topic "Giving a Seated Treatment". There will be an opportunity to share experiences, practise hand positions, receive reiki, feed back and hopefully, do a guided meditation:
  • Date: Wednesday 1st December 2010, 10.00am - 11.30am and 8 - 9.30pm
  • Venue: Harpenden, Herts.
  • Cost: £5
If you'd like to come, let me know and I'll reserve you a place & send you more details..
Reiki courses for next year:

Reiki 1 - Learn to channel Reiki energy

Further your own personal development

A cost effective and empowering way to help treat chronic conditions at your own pace & convenience

A wonderful way to soothe your children.

17th & 18th January or 24th & 25th January. Offer price £110 (Usual price £120)

Reiki 2 - 10th and 11th January 2011

The Reiki 2 course will help you extend your knowledge of reiki and become a clearer channel by learning special symbols and further applications for reiki. There are case studies required of 3 people 3 times to be completed prior to the course. If you intend to become a Reiki Practitioner, it is recommended that you think about further studies in Anatomy & Physiology, First Aid and some Business & Professionalism training to obtain insurance (although insurance criteria vary, these subjects could all help you). There is again a 21 day clearing period of self treatments after the course. Offer price £140 (Usual price £150)

Please do call or email me if you have any questions or would like to reserve a place. Hope to see you soon.
Papu x