Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies for Women ~ Harpenden and St. Albans


Tel: 01582 623985       Email:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Put the world on hold for an hour as you de-stress with a holistic massage, reiki healing or reiki massage treatment.

Helpful for menstrual/menopausal complaints, muscular backache, anxiety, grief,
headaches, migraines, poor digestion, sleep & other stress-related conditions.

For more information, contact Papu on 01582 623985 or
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  • Could Reiki be the answer to migraines?
    St Albans & Harpenden Review 4:06pm Tuesday 17th February 2009 Anyone who suffers with the condition knows how debilitating it is. Kate Sole turns to Reiki with the help of Harpenden therapist Papu Jordan to see if the complementary therapy can help. Click on the link above to read the article.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Reiki & Migraine ~ Blinding headache, blurred vision, nausea; these are just some of the symptoms many women endure on a regular basis. Recently, I have seen the number of migraineurs coming to me for help increase. Whilst some have identified certain triggers, others are left to deal with the condition with little warning of an oncoming attack and rely on medication and complete rest to get them through. Reiki is complementary to Western medicine, so does not interfere with any treatment prescribed by your doctor - infact, it can support your body's own natural ability to heal itself.

Whilst massage can help with tight necks, tense jaws, aching heads and shoulders, reiki works on the 'hidden causes' to help you feel better for longer. Numbers of treatments required vary from person to person, but most clients have reported a general reduction of symptoms and frequency of episodes whilst also feeling calmer and more in control.

For more information on Migraine itself and how Reiki can help, come to:

Migraine Action Education Day
Brookes & Red Lion Lodge, 2 Castle Street, Luton. LU1 3AA.
Saturday 21st February 2009: 9:00am – 3:00pm

To reserve a place, tel: 0116 275 8317 Fax: 0116 254 2023
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or contact Papu on 01582 623985 or