Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies for Women ~ Harpenden and St. Albans


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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What is Reiki? This is a question I'm frequently asked and whilst the experience can vary for different people at different times, I hope this helps:

Reiki is a universal energy present in all living things. This energy can be used up by the stresses and strains of everyday life causing imbalance. The depletion of this energy can lead to tiredness, irritability & anxiety or physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive or hormonal problems.

During treatments, the used energy is gently replaced - Reiki goes to where it is needed. Whilst most will feel a sense of relaxation and wellbeing, it can be a spiritual experience for some. Reiki Healing can help with the "hidden" causes of stress as it works at many levels ~ physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. My clients have reported improved sleep, a reduction in stress levels and a brighter outlook that has helped them make positive changes in their lives following bereavement, relationship problems and other traumatic situations. Releasing emotions is a powerful way to move forward optimistically, and Reiki can support you through this process.

Reiki is a complete complimentary therapy as it works well alongside other types of treatments, including medical and other complementary therapies.

For further information or to book an appointment, contact Papu Jordan on 01582 623985 or