Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies for Women ~ Harpenden and St. Albans


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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Osteoarthritis is a very painful condition of the joints, typically effecting the knees . This can make walking and climbing stairs difficult. At times pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs are needed, although some people find strengthening their quadricep muscles (also known as quads, located at the front of the thigh) helps to manage the discomfort. Provided there is no inflammation, massage can help tone the quads and also ease the tension in your other leg that has been compensating by the taking extra weight. As with other chronic conditions, Reiki would work in a more subtle way and over a period of time. I've also read recently that wild rosehips from the dogrose contain an anti- inflammatory compound called galactolipid (gopo) which studies have shown reduces pain. (source:The Sunday Times 'Style' magazine, Feb 25, 2007)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Having a Holistic Massage or Reiki treatment is beneficial during many stages of your life. During Pregnancy, many women find it a most welcome addition to the whole experience ~ a time to relax and be looked after, a time to switch off from day-to-day life and have the tension eased from her aching muscles. This all has a positive effect on the unborn child. The mother's comfort is very important so we will find a position that is most suitable for her to relax in, preserving her modesty, with comfortable room temperature and loo breaks as needed! (Please note: Massage is not advisable in the first trimester of pregnancy and with certain medical conditions - please check with Papu on 01582 623985 or

"MASSAGE ...a positive role in pregnancy...
Pregnant women have a physiological rise in pain threshold during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. Current research suggests that regular massage during this time increases this already rising pain threshold...It is reported that women who sleep well during the last month of pregnancy are more likely to have a shorter labour. However, pregnant women often need help to relax and 'switch off' from their busy careers and lives during this period of nesting, 4 weeks prior to birth. Massage supports this process allowing the natural responses to take over and the body to prepare for labour and motherhood..." Taken from Embody Professional, Winter 2006.

For more information on Holistic Massage & Reiki in Pregnancy, please contact Papu Jordan on 01582 623985 or

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Put the world on hold for an hour as you de-stress with a holistic massage or reiki healing treatment. These treatments are wonderful individually; massage for easing tension in aching muscles and reiki for bringing about a feeling of calm, wellbeing and healing. Combined, however, they make for a truly personalised treatment. With the reiki 'switched on' during a massage treatment, my hands are guided by intuition to where the therapy is most needed. Clients have reported feeling warmth and comfort - a deeper treatment specific to them with longer lasting benefits. Definately one worth trying!
Holistic treatments can help support you during many situations in your life including pregnancy, menopause, family/relationship problems, bereavement, illness, exams, career change, the stresses of day-to-day life and work .... Watch this space to find out how Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies have helped Harpenden women like you and me.