Reiki can help in these situations, helping you lift off the 'heaviness' that many people report. If you have been feeling less than best for a long period of time, you may need at least 6 treatments to start your journey to recovery. I usually recommend having the first few sessions quite close together to kick start the process, then spreading out the time between appointments as your body's energies start to rebalance.
You may experience a 'healing reaction' where you feel very tired, a bit emotional or a slight worsening of symptoms initially. This is usually short-lived and a sign that the Reiki is having a healing effect. After this period, most people report feeling much better than before with increased energy, fewer aches and a more positive outlook. Reiki has an accumulative effect, so subsequent treatments build on the progress acheived.
The path to recovery is not always a straight one, and often, clients have to face challenges on the way. I always view these positively, as markers, to highlight how far you have come and how you are better equipped to deal with life with the help of Reiki.
"I feel like a different person - no longer a victim of my own body. I have inner strength and am coping better" Janet, Harpenden.
For more information on how Reiki could help you, please contact Papu on 01582 623985 or